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国連審査とマイノリティ女性2015 知らんかったら、変われへん

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News Report

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The Asahi Shimbun

Sterilized woman demands apology over policy to prevent ‘inferior’ babies
More than half a century after undergoing surgery for no apparent reason, a woman from Miyagi Prefecture is demanding redress over the past government policy of preventing “inferior” children from entering Japan’ population.


The Mainichi

Disabled Japanese women headed to Geneva to testify on mistreatment before U.N. Committee

Kumiko Fujiwara of Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, is one among many Japanese women with disabilities who will go to Geneva for a session of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) — which is set to begin Feb. 15 — in order to denounce the mistreatment of women with disabilities in Japan and demand better living conditions for women like her.


The Mainichi

UN committee urges Japanese gov’t to compensate forcibly sterilized disabled women

The United Nations’ Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, in its final opinion issued this month in conjunction with its periodic review of Japan, has advised the Japanese government to provide compensation to women who were forcibly sterilized under eugenic protection policies because they had disabilities.


The Mainichi

Lawyer group seeks gov’t apology, redress for victims of former sterilization law

The Japan Federation of Bar Associations disclosed a written statement on Feb. 22 disputing the now-defunct Eugenic Protection Act, which permitted sterilization operations and abortions for those with disabilities and hereditary illnesses, requesting apologies and compensation from the government for those who were forced into the procedures and a full investigation of the damage.


The Japan Times

Miyagi woman to sue Japanese government over forced sterilization under now-defunct eugenics law

A woman in her 60s will sue the government for being forced to undergo sterilization on the grounds of her intellectual disability, according to informed sources.


The Asahi Shimbun

Records show prejudice behind sterilization of disabled people(2024年1月現在:リンク切れ)

Doctors were unemotional, unsympathetic and often discriminatory in describing disabled and other individuals chosen for forced sterilization under a now-defunct eugenics law, documents showed.



Woman sues Japan gov’t over forced sterilization under eugenics law

A woman in her 60s filed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking 11 million yen ($101,000) in damages from the Japanese government over her forced sterilization when she was a teenager based on her intellectual disability under the now-defunct eugenic protection law.